Video Remote Interpreting

In consideration of the coronavirus, kova – 19. We have implemented a new service of being able to provide video remote interpreting, VR, to our customers. You are able to utilize your equipment that you already have in your offices. In comparison, VRI is much like a Skype call. you will schedule your interpreter online, just as normal, and then you will bring your laptop into the room with the death client. You will access the website given to you in the appointment notes, and you will have an interpreter show up in the virtual room to interpret for you.

one of the greatest benefits of this service is that you can still keep your local interpreters who are familiar with the death clients, and there current situations.

at the same time, this will eliminate the risk of having an interpreter go from office to office, location to location, up to 10 or 12 different assignments a day, which could intern spread the virus to your staff and clients patients.

it is our goal to keep you HIPAA compliant during this National pandemic. We will continue to provide qualified interpreters for you to utilize four communication access with your deaf and hard-of-hearing consumers, and at the same time keep everyone as healthy as possible.

No special equipment is required to utilize our VRI platform. We will give you a link to access in the notes section of your appointment. You click on that link, and it will have you sign into the HIPAA compliant virtual interpreting room. The interpreter will stay online with you for the entire assignment, just as if they are there in person.

any equipment that has an internet browser and is connected to the internet is usable. Any type of tablet, computer, phone, or even smart TV can be utilized for this system.

The largest problem that we have encountered in testing is that many rooms, while having a computer that is connected to the internet present, does not have a camera or a microphone. This is why we are suggesting that tablets and laptop computers AR recommended for use because of the fact that almost all of them have cameras and microphones installed already.

The death consumers have no idea how to operate this system, so please be aware that if you have a question, they will not have an answer for you, as this is a completely new platform that has been developed for use in our areas.

There is a great benefit to having this system online and operational. It will also save you travel. There is no travel time utilize by The interpreter, therefore, you do not have to pay The interpreter portal to portal charges, only the time that you utilize will be charged, plus the administrative fee that we have to pay for the platform.

There are many combinations of options that we can get last to ensure communication happens. For example, we can have the computer with The interpreter there, and the doctor could be speaking through his cell phone to The interpreter and The interpreter would then be it’s signing to the deaf client. this is an example of if the microphone does not work for some reason. please note that we will do our best to overcome any obstacle that we encounter in this new system. I am sure that we can work together to ensure that are deaf consumers are provided the communication that they need while keeping everyone as safe as possible.

Thank you for your assistance in continuing to keep our Deaf Community safe, and helping us keep you safe as well!